
CLIENT: Jochebed's hope
DATE: May 2020

Jochebed’s Hope is a non-profit organization helping orphaned children from the island of Nias and Jakarta, Indonesia by providing them with resources and programs to educate, train and empower them.

My first meeting with the Cate family, founders of Jochebed’s Hope, blew my expectations for the project. Upon initially learning about the history of the organization and its complex legacy, I knew I wanted to take on this project and help them achieve their goals.



The Jochebed’s Hope website had been operating with a visual design and architecture that was created in-house. The website had evolved over the years, but with current events altering the digital landscape, it had become paramount to redesign the website, and its user experience due to the pandemic. 

The previous design was simple, and bright with a strong focus on mobile devices; however, it was lacking visual storytelling elements that would convert website visitors to active donors. The site needed to convey Jochebed’s goal to share the love of god and transform lives through education, training and empowerment.

I was given full creative control over the branding and web design.


A striking yet friendly approach is welcoming.

After sitting down with the founders and asking a few questions, I set up the following goals and milestones:


  1. Visual Storytelling: Photography, infographics, and other imagery needs to convey the organization’s vision, and missionary efforts.
  2. Visitor Investment: Visitors should feel welcomed and introduced to the organization’s values, activities, and budget allocations to build organization-donor trust.
  3. Website Insights: Gather data to measure website traffic and provide in-depth detail about visitor actions.


  1. Site Map Creation: The website’s navigation structure for each page is created
  2. Design Mock-up: A visual representation of the website is created prior to development or writing code.
  3. Website Development and Optimization: Website pages are built and optimized for search engine results.
  4. Proofing and Reviewing: A formal submission of work to be reviewed for final approval.
  5. Site Launch: The website will launch according to the agreed upon schedule.


Captivate Visitors, Wherever They Are

The homepage was designed to tell the story of Jochebed’s Hope mission and make a deep connection to the visitor. Each section provides more clarity on how they work and what they do, building trust, and giving the visitor insight into the communities where Jochebed’s Hope serves.

The new design is simple and responsive, with support across multiple devices. It contains visual storytelling elements that convert website visitors to active donors. The site conveys Jochebed’s goal to share the love of God and transform lives through education, training, and empowerment.

The Jochebed’s Hope design takes a bolder approach than the typical charitable organization, using a bright color palette and unique layout to engage the visitor and excite them to go further. The imagery shows real people in Indonesia, but rather than focusing on pictures of poverty, there’s joy, passion, hard work and empowerment. Life IS hard here, but there is beauty throughout.

The mobile experience for Jochebed’s Hope needed to maintain the vibrant energy of the desktop experience while functioning to capture donations quickly and effortlessly.


Sharing the love of God and transforming lives through education, training, and empowerment

Donating to a charity or sponsoring a child is an emotional decision – one that could happen anywhere, anytime. Color choices, layout and animations all needed to strike the right tone as the site was created. Jochebed’s Hope started as a dream and continues to grow exponentially every day.